SkillsFuture Festival Enterprise Series @ WeWork
by Emergenetics and Lifelong Learning Institute

will be a week-long learning festival curated for leaders and executives from Start-ups and SMEs taking their enterprises to the next stage of growth.

Held at various WeWork centres across Singapore and with a theme of “Enterprise 4.0: Scaling Up and Scaling Out”, the goal for the series is to allow entrepreneurs (from start-ups to SMEs) to learn from fellow entrepreneurs/industry experts what it takes to scale up their business and to scale out internationally, to be exposed to various resources available for them to tap on, and to network with other entrepreneurs/industry players for collaboration.

The series will feature panel discussions to share best practices, and impart skills and knowledge in two broad aspects of business growth: ME – developing leaders and their people, and WE – developing teams and organisations. The focus this year is to highlight the importance of human capital and organisation development, an area that is key to organisation success. There would also be facilitated networking at each session so attendees can make connections with each other and the panellists.

This series, which is part of Singapore’s nation-wide SkillsFuture Festival, is jointly organised by Emergenetics APAC, Lifelong Learning Institute and WeWork, with the support of key partners who believe in lifelong learning and skills mastery to build future-ready enterprises. 


About SkillsFuture Festival

The SkillsFuture Festival aims to inspire Singaporeans to develop a passion for learning and pursue skills mastery.

Supported by a network of partners, the month-long festival brings about different facets of SkillsFuture and offers a myriad of unique experiential learning experiences for young learners, working professionals, and active agers at various locations across Singapore. Participants can look forward to a choice spread of panel discussion, workshops, talks, exhibitions, innovative learning and lifestyle events during this period.


Programme Outline

10.45am • Registration

11.15am • Panel Discussion

12.00pm • Q&A

12.30pm • Facilitated Networking Lunch

1.30pm  • End of Session

31 July 2019

Session 1

Scaling Up, Scaling Out – What’s next in developing your people and company for Enterprise 4.0? 

WeWork Beach Centre, 15 Beach Road, 2nd Floor Singapore 189677 

In a business environment that is fast-evolving with greater complexity, ambiguity and unpredictability, start-ups and SMEs that want to scale up their operations and scale out beyond Singapore have to figure out their strategy for one of their key assets – their human capital. With the changing nature of work, work processes and work spaces, generational differences, what should leaders do to ready themselves, their workforce, and their organisation for Enterprise 4.0? 


Free admission. Registration required. Session Full. Waitlist Only.

1 August 2019

Session 2

Developing Your Enterprise 4.0 – What has Organisation Culture Got To Do With It? 

WeWork 22 Cross St, 22 Cross Street, 2nd Floor Singapore 048421 

If we were to define Enterprise 4.0 as the next generation enterprise that can successfully scale up in operation and scale out beyond its place of origin in a fast-evolving business environment characterised by greater complexity, ambiguity and unpredictability, what role does organisation culture play? Would the adage of “culture eats strategy for breakfast” still apply? What can leaders do to ready themselves and teams to navigate into the future? 


Free admission. Registration required.

2 August 2019

Session 3

Successful Partnership for Scaling Up and Scaling Out – Chasing the Impossible Dream?

WeWork City House, 36 Robinson Road, 3rd Floor Singapore 068877 

For leaders looking to scale up their enterprise and scale out onto the world stage, funding is one key enabler. Yet, with the increasing volatility and unpredictability of the business environment, securing partnerships may feel like chasing an impossible dream. What can leaders do in the area of human capital and organisation development to ready themselves and their teams to attract funders and seal the winning deal? 


Free admission. Registration required.

6 August 2019

Session 4

The Big War For Talent in Enterprise 4.0 – Buy, Borrow, Build… or Bot? 

WeWork 109 North Bridge Rd, 109 North Bridge Road, 4th Floor Singapore 179097 

The war on talent has been waging on with increasing intensity given the fast-evolving business environment, changing demographics, and transformation of work, work processes, and work spaces. Apart from the usual “buy, borrow, or build” concept for human capital development, there is now the question of “bot” – to automate. For leaders of start-ups and SMEs with ambitions to scale up and scale out, what people strategies should they adopt? 


Free admission. Registration required.

7 August 2019

Session 5

纵向扩展,横向拓展 – 企业在“工业4.0”时代要如何培养人才和强化组织发展?

WeWork Suntec Tower 5, 5 Temasek Boulevard, 17th Floor Singapore 038985 





Session Full. Waitlist Only.

(This session will be moderated in Chinese) 

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